Enchanted Miles at Princess Weekend

Em showing off that hard-earned bling at Princess Weekend in 2020

Em showing off that hard-earned bling at Princess Weekend in 2020

Break out the tulle and the tiara, Princess Weekend is almost here! Though the event will look a bit different this year, we are very excited to share in the virtual fun this weekend. In this episode we will be bringing you the low down on the history of Princess Weekend and the fascinating story of how the Princess brand rose to prominence with Disney. It all starts with a Disney on Ice Show in the desert... no really, it does. 

Plus, we will be following our pal @DVCRunner and his crew as they re-create Princess Weekend as fun run for the community. All this and more coming your way in this third episode of Season 2!

Run Time: 43:53

Mary Arnold

Sports Marketing Professional | Small Business Owner | Runner


Princess Weekend with DVC Runner and Our Favorite Ruffians


Conquering the Virtual Dopey Challenge with DVC Runner & Friends