First Time For Everything

Jeanmarie and Em, snagging a selfie at mile 10!

Jeanmarie and Em, snagging a selfie at mile 10!

Running Those First Magical Miles

Stepping up to the starting line of any event can be daunting and especially at a Disney Race. The super early wake up call, the long walk to your corral, can make many runners nervous about the journey ahead. Today, we are talking with two first-time Disney runners, Jeanmarie Peterson and Grace Taylor, about their experiences.

Grace, celebrating at the finish line in Epcot!

Grace, celebrating at the finish line in Epcot!

Jeanmarie, showing off that very strong Queen of Hearts costume in a magical moment.

Jeanmarie, showing off that very strong Queen of Hearts costume in a magical moment.

Mary Arnold

Sports Marketing Professional | Small Business Owner | Runner

Meet Em and M!